Heart Failure Research Paper

Words: 727
Pages: 3

Background Heart failure is a chronic and progressive disease. This occurs when the heart cannot pump the amount of blood needed for the body's needs. Overall, the heart falls behind on its capability to pump blood efficiently. This chronic and progressive disease can lead to death no precautions are taken to help manage it.
The topic of the author's interest is Heart Failure. Heart failure is a type of chronic disease. According to (Katz, 2003, para. 2) this disease affects 6 million people per year. Another source, (Aguanno, Samson, 2018, para. 1) states that this disease affects "an estimated 26 million people worldwide." The same source states that "an estimated $32 billion" is spent and contributed to heart failure. That
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The main issue with this disease is the issues with the ventricles filling with blood or ejection of the blood to the body. There are many causes for heart disease, some have to do with the cardiovascular system and some do not. Heart failure can be a result of many different conditions such as; coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, high blood pressure (hypertension), abnormal heart valves, muscle disease, heart defects from birth, lung diseases, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea (American Heart Association, 2017, para. 3). The most common cause of this is myocardial infarctions. When the body gets deprived of the oxygenated blood, the body will divert the places that the blood is sent to. Therefore sending the blood to the heart and brain because they are the most vital organs. This can lead many clients to feel dizzy, nauseated, or …show more content…
When being diagnosed for heart failure, the care provider may ask to test the patient's heart ejection fraction. This measurement compares blood in the chamber and blood pumped out to the body. There are three possible results that can come from this measurement test. Normal, means your body is getting the blood and oxygen it needs. your borderline is a little less than half Reduced is when there is much less blood being pumped. Symptoms can become very prevalent and even occur during rest. Other tests physicians may perform are blood tests, chest x-rays, or electrocardiograph.
Treatments / Interventions
There are no treatments to completely cure this condition. It can be managed by some life style changes and medications. The last intervention that can be taken to help manage this type of disease is surgery or device. Some surgeries can include; an artery bypass, valve replacement, angioplasty, or an overall heart transplantation. Devices like, ventricular assistive devices or implantable defibrillators can be used. These devices help assist the heart to pump blood. A ventricular assistive device includes a tube that connects blood flow from the left ventricle into the pump. The pump sends the blood into the aorta. An implantable defibrillator counter shocks an abnormal rhythm that could be life-threatening. This device is used more for people that have