Heart Failure Research Paper

Words: 647
Pages: 3

The heart is one of the body’s major organs which is essential to sustaining life. This fist-sized organ is where the blood that transports oxygen throughout the body is produced. It is among the most important parts of the body, and a dysfunction in the heart’s process can cause fatal effects to the body.

What is the function of the heart?
The heart’s main function is to supply blood throughout the body by pumping these blood across networks which are interconnected to the heart. The heart’s circulation process has two pathways known as the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit. The pulmonary circuit is where the deoxygenated blood leaves the right ventricle of the heart and travels to the lungs to exchange for oxygenated blood which will be transported back to the left ventricle of the
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In some cases, the heart will suffer a dysfunction and wouldn’t be able to properly perform its function of pumping blood throughout the body. When this happens, various heart problems will occur which includes heart failure. Heart failure refers to the condition wherein the heart cannot properly pump blood which leads to stiffness and weakness of the heart.

What are the causes of heart failure?
Heart failure may be caused by a number of things including the narrowing of the arteries, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. This conditions cause weakening or stiffening of the heart which results in dysfunction in the heart.

What is a chronic heart failure?
A chronic heart failure or a congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition wherein fluid build up around the heart, which causes the heart to have problems with pumping blood efficiently. It is a progressive form of heart failure which affects the muscles of the heart. In some cases, a person with a CHF may also develop a fluid build up in their other major organs such as in the lungs, liver, and the abdomen.

How to do a diagnosis of a heart