While I do not believe in simply incarcerating irresponsible parents, I do agree that if it is combined with other initiatives, it may effectively elicit change. One way to help struggling parents is by sending them to parenting classes. Instead of focusing on sanctions and punishment, rewarding parents that are wise, informed and responsible is also important if we are to encourage parental involvement. Rewards such as discounts on local businesses, local tax rebates, credits toward tuition-assistance programs and maybe a more substantial child tax credit from the federal government are some possible ways that may entice other parents to do better.
The shooting that happened in Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 24th, 2012 involving the death of 20 innocent children have shifted the gun control paradigm. Creating a law for increased gun restrictions is one of the most important issues to Americans as of today. Proponents to gun restrictions believe that not owning a gun can prevent accidents from happening either self-inflicted or injuring others around him. Advocates also agree that shootouts by those