Limiting Homework

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Every student that goes to school has homework, and the teachers give homework so that the students remember what they learned in class that day. But the problem is how much homework should the students get per week? The average amount of homework that one teacher gives out is about 3.5 hours a week. For high school students who typically have five classes with different teachers, could mean as much as 17.5 hours of homework each week. That means that students have a limited amount of time to do their chores and other business to do. So teachers should limit the amount of homework that is given to students.
Approximately 70% of teachers assign homework online. Additionally 65% of student do their homework online at home, but what about the
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Students nowadays aren't as responsible as they used to be back in the 60s to the 90s unlike our generation because most parents baby their kids and spoil them, and children don't know what to do when they get to the real world. Homework helps these students who aren't as responsible as they need to be. Students who follow along in class can get homework done a lot easier than the students who don't. Also when students get done with homework or a project they feel accomplished of what they have done and they feel good about themselves as well as their work they have done. Another thing is that students gain more self-confidence when they finish any type of school work with a deadline because it made them feel good and makes them want to work ten times harder on their next project or homework paper. Although students need to remember what they did the day before in school by doing homework, teachers, principals, superintendents or state officials for education need to put a limit on how much homework is given to their students, because when they have too much homework either on paper or on the computer they have a lot of stress on them because it could take them anywhere from an hour to five hours to finish their homework for the night. Moreover, students who have stress put on them …show more content…
Many national studies say that kids are doing more homework than ever before. Researchers at the university of Michigan say that the amount of homework has doubled over the years from around 1980. In 1981, students from the ages six to eight did about fifty to fifty-two minutes of homework a week. Then by the year of 1997, the amount of time that students spent on homework increased to about 128 to 138 minutes a week for the ages six to eight in just sixteen years. The amount of time students spent on homework was a smaller increase for students between the ages of nine through twelve. (Mair Ansari). Why is homework a growing problem throughout the nation? The percentage of students who receive chronic stress can impact their life forever. Did you know that half of homework is on the computer and many students are failing because some students don’t have any Internet access at home. If your student spends more time completing homework than interacting with others, the social skills will decline because they don’t interact with others because they are forced to do their homework by their parents. Some statistics show that students from first grade to twelfth grade will spend 137,160 minutes doing homework. That equals 2,286 hours or 95 straight days of