My Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 1041
Pages: 5

I’ve never had a grudge against the English language. Sure, I get annoyed sometimes when I accidentally use the Queen’s English in an essay and get points deducted for “incorrect spelling”, but I’ve never sighed and said “I don’t want to go to English today.” This year, my mind was being tested of its true capacity and the subject of English was not on its list of priorities. Nonetheless, I still believe that I grew as a writer and a person with the help of this course. I came into this school year with the same skills I had left tenth grade with, and while they were enough to get me an A in English honors, I knew I had to step it up to get on par with the requirements of this course. How was that going to happen? With some old fashioned hard work! The beginning of the course really helped to build a stronger foundation in my rhetorical thinking. Not only that, but it opened my eyes to observing the world around me in a different way as well, making way for my exploratory skills to grow. …show more content…
A good score for the first essay of the year, but missing only one thing: the coveted “unicorn point”. The point awarded for intricately threading together the web of thoughts and claims made in one's writing. I simply described the authors literary modes as, “The use of logos”, and “A satirical manner” in my introductory paragraph. No where near descriptive enough for rhetorical analysis. These near misses carried on throughout the many times of this