Peaceful resistance to laws, I believe, both positively and negatively impacts a free society in a variety of ways. So to speak, civil disobedience is an issue of great significance in America for the reason that it is the act of opposing a law that one considers unjust and peacefully disobeying meanwhile accepting the consequences. In society, there are those within our faction of living who remain silent and follow regulations of our country as proposed with no opposition, however there are also those who chose to not to allow their opinions to be silenced by the law and speak up for their own personal justice of justification in our modern world. It's a cause and effect type situation, in which, for every person who …show more content…
Although, there may be some mis-justifications pertaining to that specific point of view, which make it that much more unappealing to officials and people who disagree with opposition to law. Peaceful resistance, although present today, it includes many faults in rational thought dealing with matters of justification of law, especially when it comes to peaceful resistance turning into violent acts of hate, which have occurred numerously in our modern society, for the plain fact that people stood up for what their certain unions of affiliation of people believed in not being courteous and cautious of who or what seemed to be shamed upon or violated in the process. That, alone, is a reason as to why it could be a major problem within society. For, allowing people to think it is okay to be "unjust" and disobey the law isn't always the most reasonable way to go, but as said before, there will always be two sides to the