Prevent School Shootings Essay

Words: 1310
Pages: 6

What does the school shootings of Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, and Parkland all have in common? They all could have been prevented as well as the number of lives lost. Columbine, 13. Virginia, 32. Sandy Hook, 26. Parkland, 17. These were the numbers of innocent lives of students that were taken by guns legally and illegally purchased. Families unknowingly wait for the news if their love one is alive or not. The money spent for the funerals as well as the medical bills. The fear of coming back to school, knowing someone won't be in your class or classes anymore. The terror of sounds that seem as if a gun is being shot around you. Nightmares that can't be solved. And the word survivor or victim that stays with you forever. These are all examples of what the impact on people who were effect from these mass shootings. The after effects are shown to be greatly devastating to everyone around the world. The amount of lives lost and injured are part of what sorrows our hearts. We need more gun control in order to prevent school shootings and the ramifications from happening!
Since the shooting in Parkland, Florida the voice of our generation has risen to advocate for an increase in gun control across the country. Our generation has protested for bans on assault weapons as well as stronger
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Both were allowed to buy a gun due to the age limit being too low. After the MSD shooting, a vote for a law on ban of assault weapon and the age limit been raised from 18 to 21, was taken to court. Although it was taken to the court, the idea was rejected by the jury of a 6-7 vote. With the ability to purchase a gun at such a young age, teenagers still have the mind of a kid and don’t think as well as mature adults would. The age limit at the moment to purchase a gun legally is 18, with some states letting 14-16 year olds fire a gun at shooting