We know Buttercup felt the same because she said “The Prince and I have never from the beginning lied to each other. He knows I do not love him.” (183) Buttercup's intentions are clear, meaning she still loves Westly and not the Prince. In addition to Buttercup's loyalty, she also would die for Westly. When the man in black comes to rescue Buttercup, she pushes him into the ravine. But she jumps down after him. After she jumps, Buttercup says “Oh, my sweet Westly.. What have I done to you now?” (183) Buttercup jumped down because she realized it was Westly. She knew this because he said “As. you. wish.” (183) as he was falling. “As you wish” refers to what the farmer boy (westly) would say to Buttercup in the past. Buttercup jumping down for Westly proves her undeniable loyalty to die for their love. Westly would fight and risk his life to be with Buttercup. He believes their love is worth fighting for. He even battled the greatest swordsman, in their fight “They flashed along the open plateau now, and the blades were both invisible.” (152) Westly had fought Inigo, one of the strongest in the world, just for their