Skin Cancer Research Paper

Words: 852
Pages: 4

The definition of skin cancer is the abnormal growth of cells. This type of cancer is the most common type of cancer. It affects more than one million people each year just in the United States. This type of cancer occurs more in fairer skin , redheads. As the abnormal cells multiple they start to form a mass called a tumor. There are three common types of skin cancer. Those are basal cell carcinoma , squamous cell carcinoma , and malignant melanoma which is the most deadly. One person dies every year from this type of cancer. The least cancerous type of skin cancer is basal cell. Basal cell is the most common form of this cancer. The causes of this type of skin cancer is most common caused by overexposure to the sun and ultraviolet rays. …show more content…
This type of skin cancer has a high cure rate, if it is detected early for treatment. The causes of this cancer can include overexposure to uv ray or ultraviolet lights. Some other causes are long exposure to cancer causing chemicals. This type of cancer has about 700,000 new cases every year. Common signs and symptoms for this cancer is skin lesions, a growth that is small , firm, reddened, nodular, coned, or flat in shape. Some other symptoms are a lesion that looks scaly or crusty. Squamous cell carcinoma can appear on the face, ears, neck, hands, arms, and occasionally can occur on the lip, mouth, tongue , and genitals. Treatment for this cancer varies. The reason varies because of the size , depth , location, and how it has spread. Most common treatment is surgery, when they remove the tumor they will also remove the skin around the tumor also. Like basal cell they can do the same surgery for this type also. It all depends on the size of the tumor. Depending on the size of the tumor and how much skin they removed a skin graft may be needed. Another treatment for the tumor could be radiation for the cancer. Preventions for squamous cell could be shielding yourself from sunlight, wearing sunscreen, and wearing protective clothing. The most cancerous form of skin cancer is malignant