Type 2 Diabetes Research Paper

Words: 1845
Pages: 8

Type 2 diabetes is a serious health issue that is very prevalent in our nation today. Not only is it affecting adults, but it is beginning to affect children at a young age. There are many risk factors that can cause children to develop Type 2 diabetes such as poor diet and lack of exercise. One of the main risk factors that has been seen to have a strong correlation with Type 2 diabetes is obesity. There are also a variety of risk factors that cause children to become obese at such tender ages. The articles I used to support my thesis gave great insight into the causes, effects and solutions for childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes. If these issues are not confronted early on in a child's life, it can have very detrimental effects as he or she gets older. To prevent the growth of childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes in our country, more research must be done and prevention methods laid out in order to see a decline in this fast-growing epidemic.
Obesity can be defined as excess body weight, which is usually measured using the body mass index (BMI). However, the way the BMI is calculated for children is different to that
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