What I Learned In My Writing Class

Words: 618
Pages: 3

Writing 102 is the first writing class I have taken in college. While I took AP Lit in high school this class was completely different from what I was expecting. This course has helped me grow as a writer. While there were times that frustrated me, they ended up being my biggest triumphs.

Growing as a writer should be the goal in every writing or english class. While that is usually never the case for me, this class has done the impossible. Writing summaries has never been one of my fortes and I was resigned to just not being good at them. I have always been aware of the writing process, however, I usually never partook in it. Most assignments in high school were so easy that all I had to do was crank out a rough draft and that was usually my final draft as well. I never really saw the point of making an outline or rough draft, I always saw it as a waste of time. In regards to assignments in this college course I knew that if I wanted to pass this class I would have to write better than I ever have before and I was quite happy with how this all ended. I also learned that I am really bad with the “green pen” stuff. I need to reread my papers and look for small errors, even if someone proofreads it in class they will most likely miss the small things.
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The article was long, boring, and went way over my head. Fortunately, we went over the article in class which was extremely helpful. At the beginning of the semester the assignments were summaries and slowly built up, adding more to every paper we wrote. Sometimes it was frustrating having to write almost the same thing over and over