Animal Testing Research Paper

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Pages: 3

The use of animals for testing products from common household items to new medicine has been considered the best way to see if a product is safe for human use. Each year, more than 100 million animals-including mice, dogs, cats, rabbits, and many more are hurt, tested and killed in the U.S. alone. In the name of science by educational institutions, household products, cosmetic companies, and many more. There are billions of animals that have suffered a vicious, painful death in the name of research. A few people believe animal testing is appropriate and it is suitable for animals to be tested on highly dangerous products. On the other hand, some people believe animal testing should be banned in all countries. For animal testing is believed …show more content…
Animals are thought to be nothing more than disposable laboratory equipment. When taking medicine that has been successfully tested on animals, people will believe it is safe but is it really safe? For example, people believe that by using animals, mankind can get closer to find a cure for any disease such as cancer, but in fact, all the research done in animals such as mice has gotten the cure for cancer in mice and not in humans. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) reported that 92 out of every 100 drugs that successfully pass animal trials and go into human testing fail. Every year in the U.S, more than 100,000 human deaths are caused by drugs that were successfully passed by animal testing. It turns out animals and humans are built differently, because of this, animals don’t suffer from diseases in the same way humans …show more content…
The cosmetic industry uses animals to determine the safety of their products. As a result of the tests performed, millions of animals suffer painful deaths. Many well known companies, such as Aveeno, Dove, Clean & Clear, Secret, etc, are known for testing their products on animals. Animals have to go through many painful tests, such as the draize eye and skin irritation test. In these tests a substance is dripped into a rabbit's’ eye or smeared onto their shaved skin. Laboratory technicians then record the damage, in which can include inflamed skin, bleeding, bloody scabs, swollen eyelids, or even blindness. In addition, there is no requirement to provide the animals with any pain-relieving drugs during this process. Afterwards, the animal is killed or left to die. These animals that go under these tests for a new perfume, lipstick, lotion live in a tiny, crowded cages, isolated from their natural habitat, fearing the pain humans will cause. Additionally, the result from these tests often has flaws because of the difference between human and rabbits’ eyes and skin. The fact that cosmetic industries use animals to test their products, causing harm to an innocent animal without giving them a proper treatment is just