Animal Testing Research Paper

Words: 1548
Pages: 7

More than 100 million animals are used for animal testing in cosmetics such as mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds. Some of the cosmetics are items we use everyday including lipstick, mascara, shampoo, and cologne. Animal testing still affect us in everyday life.
What exactly are animal rights? In the bible, God said "The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every bird of the air upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea; into your hand they are delivered. Every moving thing that lives shall be food to you;..". By this quote there was a view that animals were clearly insignificant creatures and meant only for human use.
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Some cosmetic products should be tested on animals to secure the safety of the artifact. Women and men use an average of 12 cosmetic products every day. The US Food and Drug Administration affirm the use of testing cosmetics on animals to assure the safety of a product. Because of this, China requires animal testing on all products before they go on sale ("Animal Testing"). In animal testing research, 97% of the testing is used by mice, rats, birds, and fish. Medical scientists use many methods to better understand human and animal bodies.Because of animal research they have found a new treatment for diabetes, which is the Gila monster's (South American Lizard) venom. By using animal testing they were to find out why Alzheimer was common in people with Down Syndrome. The results were an interaction between an "Alzheimer gene" and the extra chromosome that causes Down Syndrome, which would have been possible to make that observation in a dish. Animal research brung up a dilemma, does the likely benefit of the research outweigh the likely harm to the animal ("Why We Should Accept Animal Testing"). Animal testing is not just used in cosmetics. Some treatments that people with cancer, diabetes, and ect get testing by animals to make sure that it won't kill the person. Animal research has proven to have a big breakthrough on helping save hundreds and thousands of lives ("Should Animal Testing Be …show more content…
For example,In the USA, cosmetics are regulated by the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act, which prohibits the use of an unsafe ingredient in a product. New active ingredients in "Over-The- Counter" products must prove their safety on the basis of animal testing. While the US doesn't technically prohibit animal testing, the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods was set up in 1997 to help reduce animal testing ("Cosmetics").In China, cosmetics products are under the responsibility of the Chinese State Food and Drug Administration. For finished cosmetics, a certificate from the Health Administrative Department is required (“Cosmetics”). In Japan, cosmetics in the EU are qualified as quasi-drugs. Products are subject to the same regulations as pharmaceuticals and a toxicological dossier is required for approval of a new quasi-drug ingredient, which includes testing it on animals if there are no alternatives available.