Animal Testing Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Should Animal Testing be eliminated
While torturing animals is illegal in many countries, in laboratories animals are under the law of Animal Welface Act which allows them to be burned, poisoned, addicted to drugs and brain damaged. It is estimated that nearly 24 million animals are used for experiments every year in the United states, costing approximately 1.3 trillion dollars; however, most of the animals are not even provided with minimal protection or pain relief. Such unethical research method needs to be stopped. (will add ref. soon)
However, some may dispute with an opposing idea that virtually every medical advance can be attributable to animal testing. However, a research published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
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However, the fact is most experiments on animals are not even human-relevant, they squander the majority of investment without making any valid contribution to medical advances(Greaves 2004, 226). On top of that, the duration of waiting for treatments may also be extended because the misleading animal experiments(Wade 2011, para.5). The reason why people are misguided about the value of animal testing is due to the propaganda from universities, lobby groups and media that overemphasizing the potentials of it(Deeks, 2004). Actually, the resources can be used on more efficient and human-relevant researches. As Dr. Elias Zerhouni, the former U.S. National Institutes of Health director has declared, “The problem is that [animal testing] hasn’t worked . . . we need to refocus and adapt new methodologies for use in humans to understand disease biology in humans”(cited in McManus 2013, par.3). Hence Animal testing is not worth all the time and …show more content…
Further, many superior alternative methods can replace it and most of funds on this approach only achieve minimal payback. Therefore, since doing experiments on animals does not show satisfying value, it is rational to leave it behind.

Abbott, Alison.April 22, 2013. "Animal-rights Activists Wreak Havoc in Milan Laboratory." Deeks JJ,2004 Altman DG. Diagnostic tests 4: likelihood ratios. BMJ Greaves P, Williams A, Eve M. First dose of potential new medicines to humans: how animals help. Nature Rev Drug Discov 2004;3: 226-36

Levis, Laura. February 09, 2015. "Mimicking Organs." Harvard Magazine.

Matthews, Robert AJ. 2008."Medical Progress Depends on Animal Models - Doesn't It?" Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. February McManus, Rich.June 21, 2013. "Ex-Director Zerhouni Surveys Value of NIH Research - The NIH Record -