Animal Testing Research Paper

Words: 977
Pages: 4

Breeding Animals for Sport Competitions
We selectively breed animals for sporting competitions. Some animals that we breed for that purpose are Canis lupus familiaris (dogs like greyhounds) and Eguus ferus caballus (horses).
In this example is going to concentrate on horses specifically bred for horse racing.
Again, horses selectively bred for racing face some serious health and welfare issues. “Pushed beyond their limits, most horses are subjected to cocktails of legal and illegal drugs intended to mask injuries and artificially enhance performance”. Many race horses bleed from their lungs, which is a condition due to too much exercising and it causes pulmonary hemorrhages (bleeding). To try and avoid this, a lot of race horses are given
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While animal research and testing safes (mostly human) lives, by testing new medications on animals there is also a big health and welfare issue to be raised regarding the animals that are being used for testing. Research centres used for animal testing vary in how they treat their animals. Testing on animals for medical research has helped humans to find cures, vaccination and all sorts of medications that we wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.
The two main viewpoints in animal testing are summed up nicely in these two quotes from the book “Ethical Research and Debates – Animal Research and Testing”, by Patience Coster:
“Without the developments that depended on animal research (during the twentieth century), our medical sytem would differ little from that of the late-Victorian period.” (Medical research scientist Mark Matfield, 2002) “While there are scientific, financial, and regulatory obstacles to replacing animal testing, a comprehensive review of the history of technical and policy developments suggests that there will come a time when animals no longer are used in harmful testing of any kind.” (Animal Testing Issues by Martin Stephens)
While there is a big debate about animal ethics and welfare regarding this topic, the key features to select when breeding animals that are used for animal testing vary depending on the research and testing that they