Boston Massacre Research Paper

Words: 609
Pages: 3

The Boston Massacre/Opinion Essay BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! These are the gunshots of the British soldiers that killed 5 men and women and injured 6 more. This series of unfortunate events took place March 5,1770, that today we call the Boston Massacre. My opinion on who is to blame for the Boston Massacre is the soldiers. Although all anyone can do is guess and no one knows for certain,these are my best educated thoughts on who is to blame for this terrible night. …show more content…
Now when the colonists heard about these laws they were furious. They protested in the street and harmed the people in charge to stop the laws. This is around the time of the Boston Massacre. The Boston Massacre is the turning point leading into the Revolutionary War Meaning that everyone at the time and place of the Boston Massacre have to have saw and thought in there own mind that it was the british's fault or they wouldn't have left leading me to believe that the British had to have done something very