Boston Massacre Research Paper

Words: 897
Pages: 4


The American Revolution started on April 19, 1775, when King George sat on his throne thinking about how to punish the Americans. You might be wondering how this all started with the Seven Year War? Britain won American land but was in major debt. Later King George was told by the prime minister George Greenville to take them. Soon riots started to break out because of the British taxing the Americans.

Battle of Bunker Hill

Then on June 17, 1775 the Colonists had a camp on bunker hill and waited for the Britons to come. Then once they were close enough, they started the bloody battle. The Brits were being pushed down the hill with more than 120 pounds of ammunition. But then the British reached the fort and they were killed in man-to-man combat with bayonets and muskets. Even though the enemies won, it was okay because the Brits suffered more losses.

The Boston Massacre

The Boston Massacre took place on March 5, 1770. This frightening event all started with a British officer and a shop owner arguing. But before any of this started, the British charged them with the Townshend Act. Soon after the argument, a big mob started around
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But before any of this happened, the reason the Americans were going across this river is because they were being pushed back and needed to win. So George Washington and his army decided to cross this ice covered river to surprise the Hessians. Once they arrived at Trenton, they setup cannons and surprised them. Next, the battle of Trenton began. In a short amount of time the Hessians surrendered and the Americans took all their weapons and armor. But when they crossed the ice covered river with over 1000 prisoners and weapons and ammunition. Next the Colonists crossed the river again to push the British back and claim New Jersey. The Americans in this battle suffered 2 losses and the British suffered