Classroom Observation

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Pages: 6

Classroom Environment and Management
1. In Case # 0075 Physical Education, the fifth grade students are learning volleyball serves. In this class there are 12 students between the ages of nine and ten. According to the teacher commentary, the class has a wide variety of athletic abilities. Some of the students are exceptionally athletic and others struggle with athletic activities. While observing the class, I noticed the instructor uses various strategies to manage student behavior. Each of the strategies was positive and encouraging. One of the strategies I noted in the teacher commentary was the teacher pair the students with other students that have similar athletic abilities. From my own experience, when pairing students with
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In Case #0123 World Languages other than English, these students are in French 1. They are in the tenth to twelfth grade and range in age from fifteen to eighteen. The class is diverse having six students who speak English as a second language. The lesson, according to the teacher commentary, is teaching practical language skills and learning of the culture. The teacher of this class manages time especially well. I noticed an exceptionally organized classroom with consistent expectations. The students seemed to understand the expectations and were quick to move to the following activity. Disruptions seemed to be minimized due to the students knowing the expectations of the classroom, such as raising your hand to talk and not speaking out while the teacher is instructing. Transitions seemed to happen incredibly smoothly. When the students went from repeating words and actions of the teacher to working with partners, the transition to the partner and having materials ready quickly. I did not notice any students lingering or off task during this time. A classroom I currently work in has trouble with transitions, these students will require more than two minutes to put away one subject and gather the materials for the following activity. Seeing this type of time management being used in a classroom gives me the strategies I would love to practice in my …show more content…
As I was observing, I noticed the students seem to have a clear understand of how the classroom functions. This shows myself the teacher has set clear and consistent rules and expectations for this classroom. I consider having clear and consistent rules in a classroom an excellent example of an effective classroom environment, because the students will have no confusion on what to expect and they know they will be able to trust their teacher. Another part of building this effective classroom environment is developing positive relationships with the students. When these relationships are developed, the students seem to have a higher respect for the teacher because they feel respected as well. I believe positive relationships with the students are one of the utmost important parts of an effective classroom. I aim to have a classroom that feels safe for my students. I would like the students to feel respected. This classroom also felt organized, the room was kept clutter free and had areas that were specifically used for certain parts of the lesson. The classroom environment was also organized with almost seamless transitions. Everything just seemed to flow smoothly in this classroom. I feel as though a classroom with these three elements is a classroom that has low stress levels for the students and the teacher. This is essential because the classroom will be a safe and nurturing environment for the students.
5. When observing Case #0090 Science, I felt this classroom environment