Z is beginning to develop knowledge of letters. Z recognizes his name, and his classmates’ name. Z can guess a word by recognizing its initial letter. I observed Z doing these skills during a classroom activity. The teacher would write common words, such as colors, common sight words, and classmates’ names on the board. Z was able to guess correctly on mostly all of the words. Z also is beginning to build his knowledge of uppercase and lowercase letters. I have observed him practicing both during free time. In addition, Z demonstrates phonological awareness. Z can clap out the syllables in words, and sight read common words. Z shows an appreciation and understanding of book and reading. Z will collect books, and look at them in an orderly fashion by turning one page at a time and going from front to back. Z is still emerging on his ability to recount some key ideas and details from the text. Z will need to be continuously scaffolded and prompted in this