Elie Wiesel Research Paper

Words: 660
Pages: 3

On September 30th, 1928, Elie Wesiel, soon to be famous writer and Auschwitz survivor, was born in Sighet, Romania. His childhood was a mixture of religion and education; his father Schlomo encouraging him to study the Hebrew language and literature while his mother Sarah instilled the Torah and Kabbalah in his mind. His extensive language and literature education was reflected through his ability to speak four languages: Yiddish with his family, German, Romanian, and Hungarian in the public. He had three sisters, two of whom survived the Holocaust, Hilda, Beatrice, and Tzipora. Elie, born Eliezer Weisel, studied Jewish cultures, practiced Jewish customs, and was practically bursting with Judaism which in 1944 landed him in Auschwitz death camp. …show more content…
Elie and his father were split from his sisters and mother when they were shipped to the camps where millions of Jews were sent to die. Nazis had a practice of stripping the Jews of their identities, and tattooing a number onto their arms which replaced their names. Elie was known as A7713 from there on out. Soon enough, in January of 1945, Weisel was included in a forced death march to Buchenwald, another concentration camp. Schlomo died of disease and starvation on January 29, 1945, and Elie kept living. On April 11, 1945 Buchenwald was invaded by the United States Army and Elie was