Elie Wiesel Research Paper

Words: 588
Pages: 3

“For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.” - Elie Wiesel. They fought for hours, days, months, and years, for most of it to end one day. Just think how you would feel watching your family die while you are fighting for your life. Many people are survivors of World War II because of their lives and experiences. Elie Wiesel is one of them. During the years 1939 to 1945, many traumatic events occurred during World War II. Adolf Hitler, who was the leader at the time, took all of the Jews' jobs, money, and records, and many were killed. After that many Jews were taken to concentration camps, and some were ghettoized. While they were at the concentration camps, most either died of typhus, a deadly sickness, or starved, and many were shot, …show more content…
Elie was born on September 30th, 1928, in Sighet, Transylvania, Romania. His family consisted of his mom Sarah, his dad Shlomo, and his three sisters, Tzipora, Beatrice, and Hilda. When Elie Wiesel was about 15 he was deported to a concentration camp. Elie was sent to Auschwitz, located in Poland. The camp has 3 main parts. Auschwitz was the main camp where a lot of people stayed. Auschwitz II was the killing area; it was 2 miles away from the main camp. There people were put in gas chambers and all sorts of ways to get killed. Auschwitz III was also known as Monowitz, which is where Elie Wiesel was sent with his father later on. In the end, about 1.1 million people died there. In March of 1944 Sighet, the town he lived in, was joined in the Holocaust, this was only the beginning of their troubles. In April of 1944, Jews were ghettoized, meaning all of their belongings were taken away from them; his family was a victim of this. Later on May 15, 1944, deportations to Auschwitz began. Soon after, Elie Wiesel and his family were taken to Auschwitz when he was only 15. Where his mom and sisters were taken to the main camp, he and his dad were taken to Auschwitz III, meaning the forced labor