Research Paper On Elie Wiesel

Words: 573
Pages: 3

Elie Wiesel was born as Eliezer Wiesel on September 30, 1928 in a small village of Sighet, Transylvania, which was later known as Romania. Growing up Wiesel was surrounded by three sisters and was part of a close-knit Jewish community. Young Wiesel's life centered on many things including family, community, God and most importantly his religious studies. He adored his religious studies; he was fascinated in the Judaism tales and traditions of the religion to which his mother's family belonged, however his father encouraged him to study the Modern Hebrew language and to concentrate on his academic studies. The Wiesel family had initially believed they were safe from persecutions suffered by other Jews living in Germany and Poland, considering that Sighet was somewhat untouched in the first years of World War II, though that soon changed. …show more content…
They forced Jews who lived in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania to relocate to concentration camps in Poland. On arrival in Auschwitz fifteen year old Wiesel was ripped away from his mother and sister, whom he never saw again, but managed to stay with his father. At the death camp he was almost worked to death, starved, beaten, marched from camp to camp, lived in an inhumane conditions and so on. In the last few months of the war, Wiesel's father died in Buchenwald, and then in April 1945, Wiesel was freed and was reunited with two of his sisters that survived the