Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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Pages: 7

The Metamorphosis
The metamorphosis is a story that tells of a man’s life before and after a tragic event has happened. Different interpretations of that event can be considered while the one portrayed in the story is the main character taking the form of an insect. The story is told in a very nonchalant way that makes it come off as dark and disturbing. He is the main source of income for his family and after his incident occurs things change within his household.
The main character Gregor suffers a tragic incident which is expressed in the book as turning into a bug. This event has caused his life to turn completely upside down and even altered his physical appearance. I believe the bigger meaning behind this was Gregor was involved in something
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This guilt was not the same for his family members as they seemed to cope and continue on with life without Gregor. A way in which they did that was renting out rooms to 3 men in their house. This is extremely strange but I feel as though Kafka did this in order to show how the family welcomed these strange men into their home and treated them well. Even giving the men their living space just so they would be comfortable. Which is very sad as they left their own son in an empty dirty room and paid him no mind because he was disabled. Even having Grete play for them and living a normal …show more content…
No longer seeing him as her brother, but just a nuisance and a pest. The next day, the cleaning lady finds him dead and tells how she will dispose of the body. While the family sees this as a new beginning and can now focus solely on their one child Grete. This is a sad and almost frustrating ending that leaves the reader wondering more, and with many questions. How family cannot care for someone who once cared for all their needs and wants. They say how Grete is growing up and will perhaps get married, once she does they will probably put that financial responsibility on her