Type 1 Diabetes Research Paper

Words: 628
Pages: 3

How do we educate those with diabetes and help prevent others from being diagnosed? First, we must understand what the disease is and the two types associated with it. Let's define diabetes, so that we are all clear. Diabetes is a disease that is metabolic in nature that is experiencing an upset. The word metabolism speaks to the utilization of food for expansion and vitality. Glucose is the final stage of most delectable bites we place in our mouths. This sweetener is the primary origin of nutrition for the body at the cellular level. When food is chewed, it slowly makes its way into the blood. Glucose is then summoned by the cells to give the human body energy and sets the table for growth, but the system needs insulin to gain access to the cells. The pancreas is the gland organ in charge of generating this insulin. After chowing down on any meal, the pancreas yields the insulin necessary to carry the glucose, by way of the cells, causing a reduction in the blood sugar. At times the sugar level is extremely high resulting in a diagnosis of hyperglycemia. There are a couple of excellent responses as to why: Either insulin is experiencing a great lack which is clinically labeled Diabetes Type 1 or there is a relational cell dysfunction to this hormone and which is known as Diabetes Type 2. …show more content…
Unfortunately, a patient with Diabetes Type 1 does not generate insulin. Most times this type appears before the patient is 40 years of age, and is diagnosed as Childhood Diabetes. As a matter of fact, only about fifteen percent of diabetics have Type 1. Prevention in this case is not an option. It is in no way the result of a person's lifestyle. However, this does not hold true for Diabetes Type 2