Type 1 Diabetes Research Paper

Words: 833
Pages: 4

Type 1 diabetes was once known as Juvenile diabetes and insulin dependent diabetes. Joseph Von Mering and Oscar Minkowski found that the pancreas played a major role in diabetes in 1889. They discovered that dogs who had their pancreas removed had symptoms of diabetes and passed away shortly after. About 20 years later, in 1910, Sir Edward Albert Sharper-Schafer found that the cause of diabetes was because of the absence of insulin. There are different symptoms and treatments for different people. Many people are not very cautious of diabetes; however, this is a very serious disease. Diabetes can lead to more severe complications, that deserves awareness. This paper will address the symptoms, causes and treatments of type 1 diabetes.
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The human body’s immune system, which usually fights harmful bacteria and viruses, mistakenly attack the insulin producing-cells in the pancreas. Although the specific cause is unknown, there are many factors that contribute to a person being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The first factor that contributes to type 1 diabetes is genetics and family history. If a person’s immediate relative(s) have type 1 diabetes, they are at a higher risk of developing type 1 diabetes. Another factor that plays a role in diabetes diagnostics is exposure to viruses and other environmental factors. Travelling away from the equator puts a person at a higher risk of developing type 1 diabetes. The last factor that plays a major part in type 1 diabetes is age. Type 1 diabetes can occur at any age; however, it is more common in children and young adults. The first peak occurs in children between 4 and 7 years old and the second peak is in children between age 10 and 14 years old. There are many different things that can contribute to one developing type 1 …show more content…
One of the symptoms that affects a person with type 1 diabetes is frequent urination. The cause of the frequent urination is because the kidneys are trying to remove excess sugar from the blood. Another symptom of type 1 diabetes is extreme thirst. The often urination causes one to become dehydrated, which makes the person feel thirsty. The next symptom that affect one with type 1 diabetes is increased hunger. One can have an increased appetite due to their body inability to receive energy from food. Lastly, unexpected weight loss can be another symptom, because the body loses sugar in the urine instead of absorbing it. There can be many symptoms that results from diabetes, and these symptoms can affect different people in different