The knowledge being learned from these subjects could help them earn a greater understanding of subjects that could help them in the student’s perspective career or even their personal life and it would also lead to an increase of jobs or a change of perspective. From the research that was done, many careers look for people with background knowledge so they can have an unlimited amount of ideas if the workforce requires it. Many people would rather have people who think outside the box and have unlimited amount of ideas because they are able use their background knowledge to improve and or increase whatever they are doing in their career. Thus, knowledge of liberal arts subjects can increase an individual’s chance of earning a job. The reason why is because they are going to be able to come up with ideas that might require this knowledge considering the fact, that the world is expanding on the knowledge of science and philosophy. With this expansion and depending on what they are learning they might need more people with background knowledge with liberal arts subject that might include sciences to …show more content…
Sean A. Fanelli, the author of this article explains how Richard Kahlenberg believes that there should be a balance in preparing students between the students being informed and preparing them for the workforce (page 30). In this article Kahlenberg who is a president in a community college explains how having liberal arts background knowledge could help to improve the student’s skills that could benefit in a work place. He also describes that the students would have a broader understanding of what is happening in the world and understand change in a situation that requires it. Basically, his belief is that he would rather have students starting their career to have a complete education and understanding of liberal arts background knowledge, than students who have an incomplete