Chesapeake Bay Research Paper

Words: 891
Pages: 4

The Chesapeake Bay was once a beautiful and very lively ecosystem, but it is deteriorating because of human activity. An ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. Humans have caused a large amount of destruction to the ecosystem, but people need to realize the importance of the Chesapeake Bay and some actions or steps to take in order to restore it back to its former state. The bay is a very important ecosystem and it is essential to restore it. To start off with, humans are a big part of the cause of destruction of the ecosystem. They are being destructive because they have industries all along the bay which cause pollutants in the water and in the air which hurts all the animals in the surrounding …show more content…
Another cause of destruction that humans are responsible for is building new homes and deforestation. Humans destroy forests and use the trees and the land to build new homes in the area. As it says in the article, "Residential developments replace wetlands, forests and meadows." This heavily damages the ecosystem because animals lose their homes and then humans live there which then causes developments to grow and pollutants to infect the ecosystem. Overall, humans are a big cause of the destruction of the ecosystem. To continue on, it is important to restore the Chesapeake Bay. It is important to restore it because animals are losing their habitats to deforestation and humans are just destroying the land they live on. Not only are humans destroying the land they live on, but they are also hunting and fishing for animals as …show more content…
The bay is home to thousands of species and they don't deserve their homes to be destroyed. It is vital that we step up and help these creatures, which leads to another reason to save the bay is because the bay is receiving too many nutrients. The nutrients found in the bay are from, "Plant and animal matter (including human waste), fertilizer, and even deposition from car exhaust and power plants all contain nutrients. If not treated, these nutrients will find their way into creeks, rivers, and eventually the Bay." These nutrients cause the bay to have too much and this will cause an excessive amount of algae growth which then will lead to cloudy waters which leads to the underwater plants not getting the sunlight they need. They will kill the plants and then the fish too because they will have no food source, therefore it is very important that we take action and help the bay. In order to help the Chesapeake Bay, we must follow steps to ensure we do it correctly. To start, you can recycle waste and conserve water. The government has programs that attempt to protect the bay's water, but that doesn't restore the bay by just doing