Chesapeake Bay Research Paper

Words: 511
Pages: 3

Since 1990, the crab population in the Chesapeake Bay has decreased by almost 500 million! It's not just the crabs that are struggling, but the whole ecosystem because of our actions. An ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. This problem first originated when settlers came to America and were seeking natural resources and land to own; because of this, they over used the resources and ruined the land. Humans are destroying the health of the bay, and it is important that we take action to save the bay. Chesapeake Bay is a very important ecosystem that needs to be saved and protected. The main problem in saving the Chesapeake Bay is the many different causes of destruction. The first is residential …show more content…
Non-point source pollution includes chemicals, and trash being washed into the bay from rain. Why save the bay? The bay is a complex ecosystem that contains smaller ecosystems and life that needs protecting. We also need the bay for food, factories, and recreational activities. The bay has a huge population of crabs, oysters, and fish that we eat. We also use the bay for factories that need the water for cooling, like power plants and steel factories. Finally, we use the bay for recreational activities such as boating or fishing. What can we do about this? The government has created laws and programs to help save the bay, such as hunting seasons and forest conservation. We can help by following these laws and respecting the boundaries set in place by the government. Lastly, we can help save the Chesapeake Bay by restricting our pollution and energy use. We can restrict our pollution by recycling waste, limiting the use of pesticides in agriculture, and not throwing our trash in the water. The use of energy puts unnecessary stress on the environment, whether it be producing electricity, diverting water for human uses, building infrastructure or even turning on a faucet in our own