Chesapeake Bay Research Paper

Words: 557
Pages: 3

For the past 30 years, the human race has been eating the Chesapeake Bay alive. Human habits are destroying the bay, which is home to many animals and ecosystems. Chesapeake Bay is the largest inlet in the United States. It is important to restore the bay because it affects the lives of the people who live by the Chesapeake, and the ecosystems in the bay. Steps need to be taken to restore the health of the Chesapeake Bay. Human activity is affecting the Bays health. Humans are clearing the land surrounding the bay for their own use. Source 1: "Tracts of land were cleared for various uses, leading to loss of forests and habitat." Loss of habitat can leave many animals without a home. This can lead to endangered species or even extinct species. Pesticides …show more content…
This is a problem because it can affect their population and cause a domino effect with other organisms that rely on them. There are many reasons to help the Chesapeake. There are some animals that can't adapt to change, and end up dying off. Source 1: "While certain animal species can adapt to a human-dominated landscape, many species cannot." As of today, cougars, wolves, and elk are extinct in the state of Maryland, which is where the Chesapeake Bay is located. Extinction of a species causes a spiral and effects even the organisms that were able to adapt to the changes made by humans. There is too much algae which blocks sunlight." When there is too much algae, the water becomes cloudy and blocks the light needed by underwater plants". This can stunt the growth of aquatic plants, or even kill them. Again, that affects all of the animals that feed on the plants. There are steps that can be taken to restore the health of the Bay. Recycling would be a huge help to the pollution problem. Sources state, "We can recycle waste and conserve