Chesapeake Bay Research Paper

Words: 586
Pages: 3

Ecosystems all over the world have been harmed by our own selfish human acts. One of those ecosystems is the Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Bay is a complex ecosystem that is full of different plant and animal species. An ecosystem is a complex living system that is all interconnected. But lately, the selfish acts of humans have put those species in danger. We need to get this ecosystem restored before it's too late, and the ecosystem and its species become extinct. We need to start taking action to restore the bay. Humans have done many acts to pollute and harm this ecosystem. One example of this is how humans pollute the water with chemicals. It states in source 1 paragraph 7 that, "Industries along the bay and its tributaries also produce chemicals …show more content…
This can be due to hunters shooting and taking more than they need to, or even just killing the animals for sport. It is important to help restore the bay from these selfish human acts because the ecosystem and the species in it could become extinct if we don't. One reason for this is how not all of the species can adapt to these human-influenced changes. It states in source 1 paragraph 9 that, "We must remember that while certain animal species can adapt to a human-dominated landscape, many species cannot". If those species that cannot adapt to a human-dominated landscape are key species to their environment, this can affect the other species in that ecosystem and cause them to die off as well. Another thing that is important is that we need to let the resources in the ecosystem recover. It states in source 1 paragraph 11 that, "Allowing these resources to recover, by cleaning up their habitat and regulating hunting and fishing, has resulted in success for rockfish and is expected to help other species". To counteract our selfish human acts, we need to take action to restore the bay and its