Chesapeake Bay Research Paper

Words: 582
Pages: 3

The exponential growth of Chesapeake Bay has spiked in the past 100 years, which means the things that you see today you will not see tomorrow. Chesapeake Bay is located on the East Coast of the United States. The Bay is a complex living system, home to many species of plants and animals. Human activity has had a significant impact on the health of Chesapeake Bay. It is also important to restore the Bay’s health, and there are some actions and steps that could restore the Bay. Overall, the human population needs to investigate the facts that have prolonged the health and wellbeing of the Bay.

One type of human activity that has affected the bay is housing. Due to housing and clearing land, the destruction of wetlands and the clearing of forests for development have resulted in the tremendous loss of important natural shields that help filter pollutants and protect the bay from erosion. In the text, “The Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem” it says, “Large tracks of land were cleared for various uses, leading to the loss
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Many hunting regulations have been put in place because too many animals are being harmed by over-hunting. In the text “The Chesapeake Bay” it says, “sentence hunting practices led to the serious decline or extinction of some species like bison, turkeys, wolves, and certain fish.” This shows that the animal and plant population is dying off due to people's actions towards the Bay. Overfishing is another concern. When fish populations are overharvested, it disrupts the balance of the ecosystem and can lead to the decline of certain species. In the text “The Chesapeake Bay” it says “We have seen, in the more recent past, a decline in rockfish, migratory Canada geese, and canvasback ducks. The combination of overuse, habitat loss, and pollution led to the declines” This not only affects the biodiversity of the bay but also impacts the livelihoods of those who depend on